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Showing posts from 2014

Delete the old OS boot option from the OS boot screen

For windows 7 and higher versions: the command promt with administrator privilege. (Goto C:\windows\system32 and right click on cmd.exe, run as administrator)    2.Type bcdedit command   (you will get a list of the OS boot files) 3.copy the IDENTIFIER of the OS you want to delete from the boot menu 4.Type bcdedit /delete IDENTIFIER  For windows XP and lower versions:

Guide to install wifi drivers for ubuntu 12.04

1. Download this file (b43) it includes the broadcom series drivers. 2. Extract the zip file b43 3. Copy the extracted file b43 to filesystem /lib/firmware unfortunately you wont be able to paste it and it will give an error permission denied. This is because you dont have the root privileges To grant root privileges through nautilus: the terminal and type sudo nautilus enter your password (it will open a folder through which you can modify the root contents) note:after this do not terminate the terminal running nautilus 2. Make a new folder in file system rename it to .config In .config make one more folder named nautilus path should look like filesystem/.config/nautilus 3.Copy the downloaded file b43 to the path filesystem/ lib/firmware it should be copied 4. open a new terminal window type sudo modprobe -V b43   (hit enter) enter your password (hit enter) (it will display module_init..............) this means you have successfully installed th...

How to calculate the battery standby time according to the load?

Things we should know:   P = V . I                     (ie. power in watts = volts x amps) Every battery has a amps/hr (Ah) rating which signifies for how many hours it can deliver that much amount of current? for eg. 2000mAh battery can deliver 2000mili Amps per hour  Eg.1 Inverter battery standby calculation 1.Calculating the total battery capacity in Watts/hr:  if our inverter battery has a rating of 150Ah and voltage 12V thus it can deliver 150Amps per hour. thus power delivered per hour will be 1800Watts/hr  (1800 = 12 x 150) .............................(  P = V . I  ) 2.battery threshold level : (actual battery capacity) now before proceeding take into consideration that the battery wont be fully discharged due to the internal protection circuit in the inverter so we have to first take 85% of our total battery ca...

Deleting a virus via DOS

1. l ocate the directory or drive: 2.  Find a file extension in a directory: 3. Delete files with a particular extension: 1. l ocate the directory or drive:   cd <path of the folder/drive> or   <drive letter>: for eg my virus is located in D drive, type: cd windows/system32 for eg my virus is located in D drive, type: D: 2.  Find a file extension in a directory:         dir *.<ext>  (restricted to a particular directory)          or         dir *.<ext> /s /p    (all files in folders and subfolders of a particular extension(drive): The  /s  option directs a search of all folders on the hard drive;  the  /p  option pauses the display   after each s creen  of text. Double-check everything <ext> extension for eg. you have to find all files(viruses) having extension .inf,  type: ...

Why do we use log?

"Logarithm" is a word made up by Scottish mathematician John Napier (1550-1617), from the Greek word logos meaning "proportion, ratio or word" and arithmos meaning "number", ... which together makes "ratio-number" ! In its simplest form logarithm gives the info about:            how many a number can give another number basically its used to get the power ie. the exponent of the base number in the log with respect to the log number for eg:  1.  log 2 ( 8 )= 3     ie   2 3   = 8 how many a number (to the base number) (2) another number ( log  number) (8) raise to power (3) 2.    log 2 ( 4 )= 2     ie   2 2   =   4  same goes for the negative logarithms: 1.                    since            reference:

AC mains current and transformer current

These are two separate issues: 1) How much current the transformer can supply? 2) How much current can your mains AC supply deliver? The answer to (2) is easy. Go to your fuse box and look at the rating on the fuse or circuit breaker. If the rating is 40A, then the maximum power delivered before blowing the fuse is 220V x 40A = 8800W. Generally it is between (20A-50A) and the answer to (1) is, The maximum current delivered by the transformer will depend on the size and construction of the transformer: 1. As an example, let us say the transformer steps down from 220VAC to 20VAC.     This is approximately 10:1 reduction. 2. Then if the transformer is rated at 1A on...

Microcontrollers (tutorial links)

guide to program an 8051 microcontroller: (89v51RD2 phillips) http:// www.mlees - /home/micro-controllers-electronic-circuits/8051/8051-flashing-tools-and-guide Servo motor control Project: 8051board specs: http:// / home.html Guide to program arduino uno: http:// /category/learn- arduino

The secret about RELAYS long would a 9v battery last with a 5v relay and  what value of resistor i would need to get 5v from a 9v  battery? Ans. Relay coils have a specified coil resistance. That coil resistance determines how much current flows through  the relay coil when a voltage is placed on it.  Although relays are specified by voltages, they're actually  current activated devices . A "5V" relay may  have coil resistances of 50 to several hundred ohms,  depending on the size and physical design. For Eg: the NEC EA2 relay series has a 5V relay with a 178 ohm coil. What that tells you is that it takes 5v/178 =28.1ma to run that coil. The EA2 will operate (pull in) at voltages of 80% of nominal, or 4V: that means it will operate on 4v/178 = 22.5ma. How that relates to the question is this: - If you hook a 9V battery directly to a 5V EA2 (...

Basics of MS-DOS commands (PDF downloadable)

MS-DOS basic concepts and commands with examples: MS-DOS simple commands with exmaples:

Install kali linux on a virtualbox-oracle (link)

Crack windows 7 password via ubuntu boot

Requirements: 1.ubuntu live cd or pendrive(consisting of ubuntu setup) Procedure: 1.start up your computer 2.boot ubuntu linux cd the option try ubuntu option (DO NOT INSTALL UBUNTU  its not required) by selecting this option you do not install the system rather the ubuntu os is started via live cd or USB 4.In the ubuntu click on the folder ie the file explorer in the left panel 5.Goto the windows 7 system drive path : windows>system32> rename the magnify.exe as cmd.exe and rename the cmd.exe as magnify.exe (NOTE: While renaming you cant rename directly as both file cannot have same names  take a copy of both these files in any other folder in case you mess up ) 6. reboot the system and start windows 7.On the password screen you will see an ease of access (blue icon)  in the bottom left corner. click on it and select the magnifier click OK.(It will open the command prompt) 8.In ...

Crack ubuntu root user password

1.Run ubuntu in recovery mode 2.Select Root shell prompt type these things in the prompt: Ls /home ;shows username Mount -rw -o remount / Passwd <username>